Sunday, March 05, 2006

I see, well then

ri·dic·u·lous P Pronunciation Key (r-dky-ls)
Deserving or inspiring ridicule; absurd, preposterous, or silly

I suppose I am ridiculous this evening deserving ridicule because I am protective of my child. Why is it because you live in the suburbs you feel safe. Well you see living in a city with the population of 5,296,486 I feel the need to keep a watch on my child. Yes the bean will be 12 but she is still a child. The interesting thing is even though I live in a large city statistically there are less registered sex offenders than where I am moving. There are no registered sex offenders in my zip code here but where we are moving there are quite a few compared to the population size. Am I ridiculous for not feeling confident in other people, things happen everywhere even in decent good places. Should I act any differently because I will be in a small town? NO!!!! Call me deserving of ridicule if you must but I am not naive!!! Why should I feel ridiculous? Think about how ridiculous I am and get back to me on that. Push.... Push..... Pushed.......

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