Saturday, July 30, 2005

I am so in love with this man. Why this man you ask? This man sees me as no one else has ever before. His patience, understanding, and philosophy on how our partnership should and will be really turns me on. He is so very yummy in every aspect. I am so looking forward to walking along in the universe with this soul. He brings sunshine into the being that is me. Deep down, further than anyone else I have ever known. Even in the darkest of days that I have had he has stood by me. Whispering thoughts on his breath that carry me over and never lets me fall down. He compliments me in so many ways.

So you see this man makes my soul smile which is probably one of the most important things to me.Puuuurrrrrrrrr.

Mmh, yes,

Then I'd taken the kiss of seedcake back from his mouth
Going deep South, go down, mmh, yes,
Took six big wheels and rolled our bodies
Off of Howth Head and into the flesh, mmh, yes,

He said I was a flower of the mountain, yes,
But now I've powers o'er a woman's body, yes.

Stepping out of the page into the sensual world.
Stepping out...

To where the water and the earth caress
And the down of a peach says mmh, yes,
Do I look for those millionaires
Like a Machiavellian girl would
When I could wear a sunset? mmh, yes,

And how we'd wished to live in the sensual world
You don't need words--just one kiss, then another.

Stepping out of the page into the sensual world
Stepping out, off the page, into the sensual world.

And then our arrows of desire rewrite the speech, mmh, yes,
And then he whispered would I, mmh, yes,
Be safe, mmh, yes, from mountain flowers?
And at first with the charm around him, mmh, yes,
He loosened it so if it slipped between my breasts
He'd rescue it, mmh, yes,
And his spark took life in my hand and, mmh, yes,
I said, mmh, yes,
But not yet, mmh, yes,
Mmh, yes.

Kate Bush


Thursday, July 28, 2005


5 AM is much too early to rise and shine. I was not so shiny this morning before work. I am feeling quite a bit tired actually. Where is my sunshine when my tootsies need a good rubbing. Ooohhhh well. After a grueling week, yes even though I had most of last week off, I am quite tired.

Yesterday really wiped me out. After having my shrink stir up all kinds of therapuetic reasons why I should do hypnosis again I relented. Why???? Maybe because even though there are many horrible and awful memories tucked neatly into boxes in my brain, I have a feeling that there are also many wonderful memories as well. Well that settled we start again next week to reach into the deep dark unknown brain matter nestled safetly in my noggin. Should be ummmmm, fun!!!! Maybe???? or Maybe Not!

So after the day of dealing with cancer stuff, I decided to bid farewell to Dr. Van Echo. The Pfizer pimp, I mean rep., treated us to a wonderful seafood feast in a salute to Dr. Van Echo, who has been treating patients since 1971. Very sad because Dr. Van Echo, or little Davey as he is more commonly known, has always been a source of light and laughter around a pretty depressing enviroment. Oh well, he is getting an office with a better view, fewer hours and more pay. Not too bad of a deal.

Upon arriving at my abode I notice no lights. Uuuurrrrgggggggg. No air conditioning, no computer, no TV, get the point. It was hot!!!! Really hot. Really really hot. Did I say hot? LOL. Very hot, ooopsss said that already. What I want to know is how did people live before electricity? I do not think I could survive, I am so spoiled and did not really appreciate this until sweating my a** off while trying to fall asleep.

Well those are some of things I have been doing, not all but some. tee hee, this is fun!


Tuesday, July 26, 2005


The fields, the caves, the dens of memory cannot be counted; their fullness cannot be counted nor the kinds of things counted that fill them . . . I force my way amongst them, even as far as my power reaches, and nowhere find an end.
Augustine, Confessio

This is for you:

"But life is wakings-up, all unexpected, all surprising. On a certain November afternoon, twelve years ago, from a certain nap (why that day? Why that nap?) she awakened from sleeping from eyes-closed, blankets-up-to-chin, pillow-sleep Sophie awakened or had awakened, for good. As though someone (while she slept) had stolen them, her powers of sleeping and escaping into the small dreams within the large had gone away; and Sophie, startled and lost, had had to dream from then on that she was awake, and that the only world was around her, and to think what to do with it. It was only then, because her sleepless mind had to have an Interest, that (without any hard question, without any question at all) she had taken up the study of cards, beginning at the beginning humbly as Cloud's tutee."

Little Big, John Crowley

In many ways I feel a strong connection to Sophie, maybe I just need to focus on my Interest and it will allow my dreams to become the reality. To finally be fully awoken from that dream of being awake.