Thursday, March 23, 2006

Busy, busy, and busy

It has been a busy week thus far and so I have not had much time to write. Saturday we attended our first Bat Mitzvah. It was very long but it was ritualistic and beautiful. Becca did a great job and seemed very happy. Sunday I spent most of the day alone, relaxing and cleaning, how very exciting.

Work has been nice, busy but nice, not a repeat of the previous week. Thank goodness there are not many weeks like that.

I have been trying to find a balance between everything lately and have seemed to found a calm place in the midst of all of the things that are going on. I am happy that I work where I work and am sad to be leaving. I have found people that I respect, like to work with and have taught me so much. I hope I find someplace like this in CO.

My friend April is coming to town from RI tomorrow. We are very excited and are greatly looking forward to her visit!! *Does the happy dance*

Well the beans birthday is quickly approaching, a week from Sunday she will be 12, Wow!! 12 years seem to have flown by very quickly. We are having a mystery party but I still need to figure out an April Fools Day joke to play on the girls. Nothing good yet but I will think of something, maybe bugs in the ice cubes or something silly like that. Tee hee.

That is about it, off to make a slide presentation that was due a week ago and work on a manuscript. Woo Hoo!!!

Coffee is very good!! Yummy coffee!!

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