Thursday, July 20, 2006


Sometimes I wonder why I am fearful to say outloud the things I think in my brain. I mean if it is out does it make it solid, more real and not just thoughts. Once spoken it can not be "taken back" from whence it came and could be construed as volatile, hurtful or as being jealous in some instances. I am not sure but sometimes I know I feel better by getting them out of my head and somewhere solid, such as here, on this out into the big wide world where maybe someone, someday, will read and know that there is at least one other soul in the universe that feels the same at times. I have been annoyed and I feel like something is off but I can not put a finger on it, is it me? Could it be work, life, the bean, what is it???????????? It is frustrating me and it has made me feel like grrrrrrrrring at all who approach and try to speak. You see when I am in this mood I want to discuss it but you see no one really wants to listen or participate in this discussion with me at the moment. My soul dentist is off dealing with fame and family issues, I have decided not to maintain a friendship with crazy girl, others have their own families and stuff to do, and I just do not know what to do about it. Grrrrrrr

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