Monday, July 03, 2006

Underwater to escape organizing chaos

Since the summer has decided to heat up we have decided that swimming is a good idea. We try to go often not all day but at least an hour or so here and there. It has been so warm I have actually found the pool temperature acceptable. I have been swimming, I have always loved to swim, underwater is a favorite place of mine, it gets rid of all the noise and dust. Clean crisp vision and muted sounds are how I like things sometimes.

Work has been a bit more depressing than normal as we are in the "bad" time of the year so things have been a bit stressful as of late. During these periods it gets me thinking about all kinds of life/death issues which takes a bit of energy trying to figure it all out. I have some theories about death from my own experiences but it does not make it easier when you are confronted on a daily basis with these issues.

Next on the list of things to do is to figure out where I might want to live and the reasons of said move and the logistics. I have various reasons for living in various places and it is time to pull out the comparison chart and look at the options realistically. Things such as schools for the beans, salaries, employment, cost of living and insurance costs all seem to be mitigating factors in this decision process (when did I become an adult). It is swirling in my brain along with the other 8 or 9 things that I am working on right now (*cough* OCD *cough*) I will write all of this down sometime over the next day or so and start making a cross comparison chart with pros and cons which hopefully will make things a bit more clearer. Sometimes I get tired of being the adult, I just want to skip, jump, laugh and spin around at times, have some fun and play!!!

"Chaos is the score upon which reality is written."
Henry Miller

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