Thursday, June 01, 2006

Good feelings

Good feelings, yay!!

I finished of the research protocol which has consumed most of my work days today and I feel so happy to have sent it off to the pharmaceutical company!! 21 sections later, whew. I worked really hard on it and hope that not too many modifications need to be made.

Finished compiling all the ASCO stuff so that it was all neat and tidy and on it's way to Atlanta, actually it arrived this afternoon. Yay!!!

I wore my sneakers all day with my skirt and it looked somewhat dorky but I felt wonderful.

Preparing for skating on Sunday,

Thunderstorms, loud, sharp thunder with lightning that makes your hair stand up.

Hopefully tomorrow will be nice and quiet and people that piss me off will not bother me, not like the good, nice, considerate people that I work with. I will have to lock my office door and be selective when answering.

Next weekend is going to be busy as Relay for Life is Sat. evening until Sunday morning and then skating again on Sunday night, ohhh actually there is a bout that evening so maybe we will check that out instead.

Mmmmmmm and you know what I mean, mmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmmmm



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