Saturday, September 10, 2005

Things I that make me happy

1. Hayley-makes me the happiest mommy all the time even when she pisses me off. Tee hee
2. Christopher-makes me giggle and feel yummy most of the time. puuurrrrrrr
3. Merlin and Puck- cute, cuddly, lovable and very entertaining
4. Starr-My twin, so hard to believe I have known you for almost half my life. I love you and you bring me sanity and smiles. Not a bad combo!
5. My job. It is so much more than just a that though, hard and depressing at times but I learn something new every single day. I really like the people I work with as well. What is not to like about that.
6. Sitting on by back porch, typing on the computer with a cup Earl Grey with lemon out of my cup that Dr. Hussain gave to me from China. Yummy!
7. The weather is absolutely beautiful. Autumn is my favorite time of year!
It is funny how just taking a moment to reflect upon your existence brings up so many things. I am for the most part very happy right now. I just want everyone to know that I appreciate you and love you very much. Though I may not express it well all the time you are so important to me in so many ways. Thank you for being in my life and loving me, I truly appreciate it!



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