Monday, November 06, 2006


Quick recap of the weekend.....

Friday had a lovely gathering with some friends, great food, lovely wine, and wonderful company. After the food and such, Denise and I decided to run out for a bit to a local bar, now I remember why I do not frequent bars and such too often, it was crowded and I am a bit over the "scene" stage of my life. Tee hee, never really fit into the "scene" much anyway so I am not upset by this.

Sat morning, I attempted my first outdoor skate, hills, twigs, rocks, cars and such, it was fun and I really enjoyed Druid Hill Park, the leaves, the weather, the crisp air made it the perfect day! I have a ton to work on but I have already improved quite a bit, just need to work at it. Sat. evening was a Day of the Dead party that was OK, not great as the bean had an argument with one of her friends but it was nice to meet some more parents and have some discussions with other parents regarding the school, and such.

Sunday, we cleaned the house, did the laundry and created a plant cell model that was edible (a cake). It was relaxing but I find that the more I sit around it seems that I get moody and restless. I am thinking that the increase in activity though tiring was needed and that now I require a certain level of activity to maintain an equal balance or it could be that I do not need to think to much about certain things when I am busy, an escapist action, must figure this out.

I am wondering when, when, when and become frustrated when I have no answer no when, where, what or how. I keep trying to make decisions and figure out what, where and when I am doing things but it feels a bit one sided and unfair but then I get upset and it seems like a bit one sided and unfair to me and the bean. Can not really come up with a solution so I think I may take a bit from thinking about it and just continue to have fun and enjoy being a derby girl and being a mom, those are things I can do and I enjoy thinking about.



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