Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Grrrrr, in the best possible way

So with little or no posts over the past week or so I have suddenly found time to blog. Yay!!! Very exciting isn't it. Well after my very bleak post from days and days ago, I have perked up a bit, made some small future plans and am feeling over all a bit better. You see I have just come to the decision that it will happen. Just like that regardless of how or when, this is the way it works. I am not forcing myself to think about it much, I am being very light and focusing on the aspects of my life that bring me joy and happiness. I notice while I am trying to do this it is harder to close the distance for some. I feel a bit kept at a distance still and that always makes me feel a bit more anxious regarding the situation. I feel that because I have to be so open and honest about everything that it should work that way for everyone and it is not fair of me to do that to anyone. I feel at times that it is forced, does not come easily, something is being held back, but what? This is when my crazy imagination likes to drift off into little daydreams on why. *Shivers* Speaking of crazy, I had the worst nightmare the other night, I can not quite remember it now but it was pretty bad, not sure what that is about but I believe it was about being stalked and hunted by someone. Scary, woke myself up and then it was OK, just those moments right before were horrible and overwhelming. The day is bright, sunny, full of birds chirping and I have spring fever. Yay!!!!

Puuuurrrrrr and Grrrrrrr

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