Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Ok then

Not going to talk about myself on this post. It is boring anyway so here are the topics of the day.

Maryland MTA

Shadow Boy

Let me start with Maryland MTA. MTA recently did a huge overhaul of it's system to make it more reliable, better routes, better schedules, blah, blah, blah. Well the people at MTA must be idiots. They have made the bus system even more of a mess then it was prior to the changes. You are lucky if a bus even shows up now. Let me tell you, the folks that run the administrative offices are something too. You, John Q. Public, are not allowed to have the number to the administrations offices. No one seems to have that number, seems you have to go through the switch board then they send you in great big circles. I am overwhelmingly happy to see my tax dollars and fare going to such great use.

Shadow Boy belongs to many different message boards but it seems he posts all the same things on like six of them. They have not altered in the past 6 months, the same things over and over again, just like his women. I am starting to see a cycle here. Surprising though I thought maybe he had some good points but now realize he is just as much of a shadow of a person. He has officially stopped having any creative thought that might have once been in that head. Could be the amount he smokes up and drinks too, who knows,

Well I am going to talk about myself now, but this is my blog so it is acceptable. Lately I have had some conflicting information, the question is do I follow what could be intuition and figure out a solution or am I just being anxious as I do tend to obsess over things a bit. Hmmm, it is extremely frustrating and tiring trying to figure this all out.

Enough for now

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