Sunday, October 09, 2005

I know nothing

Information is not knowledge-

Yesterday I discovered something that I suppose I was aware of all along but have never really applied to me, myself or I. I am just me, I do not need to be anyone or anything other than that. The people that love me and like me do just because I am who I am. For years, I struggled to be someone, something that other people thought I should be. This is what started this thinking pattern- I was reading a "friends" site yesterday and happened upon a bio. I have known this person for half of my life and must say that I realized that my friend is living in achievements that never happened and the dishonesty and misrepresentation has really upset me. I have questioned, "Do I want this deception in my life when I strive to be only who I am no more no less?" My achievements and failures have made me who I am to this day but they are in the past and though I have learned from them I realize I must move forward with who I am and what I am. The interesting thing is just because you have information does not mean that it is something you can actually understand. It is thrown out like you are aware of what you are speaking when you really have no idea what it really means or how to apply it. I know nothing and so therefore I never can definitively state something when pretty much everything is nothing. I have come to the conclusion that with the misapplied information, misrepresentation, perceptions and realities in which this person dwells I am unable to remain in contact with this person to provide myself with an understanding that this is not the way or path of my life at this time. I would also like to thank this person for providing the realization that the people I am surrounded myself with only care that I am well and doing the things that bring me joy and happiness. These are the people I choose to allow entrance into my life.

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