Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Cold weather, lots of work and limited time

Cold weather. Grey and damp. I liked it for about the first two days now I would like some moderate nice autumn weather. I have been busting my little wings at work. Patient calls are long and involved this week. The manuscript I have been helping one of the residents with is finally done. I need like eighteen more cups of coffee just to drag my tired and sore body out of my snug bed enclosed in velvet. Puuurrrrrrrrr. Could I just stay in bed for one day? NO running around just have some sunshine rub my tootsies and ......
I need like 4 more hours in the day to accomplish everything I want to do and need to get done. I am not greedy, just 4 more hours, ohhh but now thinking about that they, yes those people, would just find more ways to add more hours to my work day without paying me anymore. Although, working for the state is kind of like being paid to do nothing for some people, not me though, I have plenty to do like blogging, surfing the internet, oopppssss... just kidding. I work really hard and I suppose that is why I am so tired (besides staying up until 11 and getting up at 4).

Enough silliness, Time to go-



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