Monday, November 07, 2005

Hoo Hum

Feeling low today, low energy, very tired
basically annoyed all day.
Dropped a directory on my cup of soda today.
ended up with soda all over my desk
my desk had papers all over it
then it had soda and lots of wet papers
thankfully none of the important ones got wet
Finished up a letter of intent I have been trying to get done
for weeks
Many patient issues today.
One of my favorite prostate cancer patients
now has progressed
His wife wanted me to send her the report
She could not tell by my voice if it was good news or bad news
I could not read it and know without telling her so I closed the report
I would not read the report until I spoke to the Dr.
I can not tell her, luckily it is not my job to crush her.
Sad sometimes but I have so much hope and desire to make things the best
that they can be for them for as long as I can
Felling low, tomorrow will be better

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