Wednesday, December 27, 2006


“Mistakes are almost always of a sacred nature. Never try to correct them. On the contrary: rationalize them, understand them thoroughly. After that, it will be possible for you to sublimate them.”
Salvador Dali

I have made so many mistakes and undertaken the task of examining, dissecting and understanding them to become a better me. At times I find it difficult as I filter through various issues with behaviour and actions that I have taken as a result of these mistakes. In making the decision on letting go of a friendship the issues that I fault her for I have had to deal with, analyze and modify, I believe this is why this decision has proved so difficult for me. I in some ways feel helpless and guilty but when the words came pouring out of me the other evening, I realized that I am the pot calling the kettle black in some ways. It is painful and hard for me to see someone experience and go through some of the same issues and approach them in the ways that I previously used to cope. I think what really hurt me the most is realizing how selfish and self-centered she is, I am afraid that to people outside my brain feel the same way about me. Am I self centered and selfish, only caring about myself? I hope not because that would mean I was really ugly person, thinking I was actually caring and trying to help other people when really all I was doing was trying to help myself. I have entered a place in my life where I like to think that I have recognized my mistakes and that I have learned a great deal about myself and in analyzing these mistakes I have become a better me.

hmmmmm..Is this a mistake......

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