Friday, January 06, 2006

Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!
Lewis Carroll

I came across this quote earlier this week in a book (Valiant) by Holly Black that I was reading. It is interesting as many of her quotes are quotes I know well. This one stuck with me through the past few days. I feel days, it so much effort just to maintain I must use so much more just to get elsewhere. Just liked this one and will add it to the list!

The fey wonders of the world only exist while there are those with the sight to see them.
Charles De Lint

You call them mad, crazy, insane but really are they or are you just blind? Who chooses what reality is? I think most people are trapped by their reality and are afraid to see what is really there, so maybe they are the crazy, insane, mad ones!!


Anonymous said...

Do you see faeries?

Faerynight said...

Out of the corner of my eyes I catch the world of the fey. They are in my universe and hopefully many others. Thanks for checking out my blog!!! Do you believe in the fey?

Anonymous said...

I think that's the beauty of the human condition. Consciously or unconsciously we choose our world, our perceptions and our lives. I don't think it's so bad living in one's own world, so long as we know we're doing it. The world outside and the universe is big, often bad and regularly depressing and I would much prefer to focus on, and remember the good, and play down the bad..

btw it's the post above I was talking about

Anonymous said...

Of course I believe. Sometimes, I lose faith, though. I haven't seen any for a year. What kind of fay do you see?

Faerynight said...

I live in a world full of hope and compassion. It is the reality I have built and needed to have to start to understand my part of the universe.

I see the fey in the woods mainly these days. Pixies in the trees I think. Too fast to actually see them but we caught glimpses of them! Maybe it is the bean or maybe I am starting to open my eyes to the true world.