Monday, May 14, 2007

Poison Ivy

Well I did not go out on Friday, I was all ready to go and then decided not to go. The reason is I was feeling slightly itchy, then increasingly itchier, then really, really, itchy, th cause of this discomfort...POISON IVY!!!! I though that I had done everything I could not to come in contact with urushiol which I am extremely allergic to but alas, after showering as soon as digging the hole, after, looking before digging, I now have spots on various spots of my body. It is uncomfortable especially since as soon as clothing comes in contact with the spots is itches like crazy. No need for steriods yet so I think it was a very minor case for me, thank goodness!!!

Mothers Day was quiet and relaxing, just lounged around the house. Sat we went to a outdoor festival at the beans school, was fun for about an hour then we went home and cleaned!!! Yay, the house is mostly clean now.

Missed practice on Sat. as my foot has poison ivy and it is uncomfortable to put shoes on as they rub let alone skates. I will try to attend this evenings practice but we shall see..

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