Wednesday, April 04, 2007


complain about the silliest things especially when they can not see outside their narrow confines of their life. I mean really little things do not mean much when people are dying, family members are grieving, and people are ill. I am aware that every time I am stressing over silly things that really are not important and insignificant issues that are not worth worrying about, that an event occurs to keep this in my mind so that I realize things are silly. Who cares if that stupid piece of paper does not have a signature on it yet, so what if I look like an idiot, who cares that I was soaked because I did not have an umbrella in the downpour this morning, because you know what, my child is healthy, I am healthy, my family is healthy and even though I may not have the best day and it is full of errors and issues the bottom line is that everything will work out and at the end of the day I am living and here to face another day full of issues and problems. They are my issues and my problems so I will address them and they will be completed......ahh the complexity of life is really very simple...

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