Thursday, November 30, 2006


So what am I doing posting while I have the huge grant deadline which has been pushed to Tuesday, well I have been enduring headaches, stomach aches and pretty much everything else that comes along with having a grant and paper deadline. Could it be a small grant or an easy paper, NO!!! Why even bother, we should just make it as difficult as possible and have my head explode. It is only 500,000 dollars if I screw up and a rejection letter from the publisher of a top-notch journal. Whew, no pressure there. I also have another abscess in the tooth which has caused some slight swelling in my jaw and a bit of pain, hnnn, could that be a contributing factor in my brain feeling like it should explode, maybe, who knows.....

I believe by posting here it may offer some stress management and alleviate the general anxiety I have been feeling since Monday when I started working on the Biophysics paper and realized the deadline for our internal submission for the grant was actually Tuesday and the grant person would not be in to help me process the said grant.......grrrrrrrr.....

I tried to skate last night but about 1.5 hours into it with the realization that a sandwich is hardly substantial nourishment to make it through the day, let alone three hours of practice, my jaw started to get larger and hurt more, and I just started to feel a bit sick from the antibiotics, I realized skating was not an option or a possibility when all these things popped up. jeez, how did I dance for hours on a cup of coffee and I can not skate even after having lunch, dancing was just as hard and endurance was a huge factor, I guess I am not as young as I was and I realize when I feel crappy now. Kind of sad because practice looked like lots of fun and I really wanted to participate. I guess I will just have to make up for it later!!

back to slave away at the grant, finish the paper and try to fit all the pieces together......

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