Sat. was cold, damp, and dark so once the bean returned from her sleepover we just played games, made this cool spooky gingerbread house and watched movies.

Sunday was grocery shopping, homework, playing some ridiculous game with paddles and a ball that we just could not master, cooking and laundry. Woo hoo.
So while on the surface things seem very calm and domestic, I am having issues. Issues regarding where my employment is going, new job?? new job and new locations??? Trying to decide what I will do if said locations are not where Crstfr wants to move??? What Crstfr is planning on doing and when??? Why the bean is having a slow start this year with school?? Is derby interfering with school???? If I will be able to maintain derby schedule while raising a bean by myself??? How will I be able to manage all this and all that fun stuff???!!!????? Changes are coming just not sure if all aspects of my life will be able to handle the transition.
I am feeling the stress again of being here by myself, I know it sounds horrible but I do not want to move away from my job to work in an area that I have become so fond of, in an area of education as well which seems to be beneficial to me. It would make some things easier and would compromise other things, Damned if I do, damned if I do not, it seems to feel like this past week. Ohhh, well maybe I just need to skate and worry not about later but just focus on the right now so I do not totally tweak.
"Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin
"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." Lao Tzu
"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet."
"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."
Albert Einstein
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