Had fun at the Bruisers Ball on Friday night...

5 bands, wheel of misfortune, and a bunch of derby girls and other people dressed in fun costumes.
Sat we had some friends over, went to the paper lantern parade in Patterson park, it was really windy but fun!! Then stopped by Starbucks as I had no bean for the evening.
Today we completed three school projects and off to skating. It is feeling very late, I hate time changes, grrrrrrrrrrrr.....
I was watching romantic comedies today and it made me think a bit....maybe I am off looking for some kind of fairytale that does not fit into the real world. This week while mucking around in my brain I started thinking maybe I have such a hard time with reality because it sucks. I hate being an adult when really I just want to have fun and frolic. The fact of the matter is that I have responsibilities and require a certain level of stability in my life now. I never have wanted to settle down and be tied to one place I guess I am afraid that if I leave the things I have worked so hard for that I shall slip back into the unbalanced and out of reality. Lets face it dealing with illness and death on a somewhat frequent basis has a tendency to really make me focus on reality. It is sad and frustrating at times but it is life. I guess I am having problems balancing being an adult and the want to not be a settled, complacent person. I think that is why I like the derby similar to dancing but in a healthier way it allows an escape into a world that is not reality in the sense of being an adult. It is fun and at this time is bringing me great joy and happiness, I think I needed something like this to break the routine of the real world.
I am not sure what kind of fairytale I want, I really want to believe it exists but right now I am finding that difficult......because at one time I felt that I was living the fairytale.