Roller Girls Booth

Coach Ball Breaker selling her wares
Then off to a BBQ at Reets house, she outdid herself this time and we enjoyed great food, company and lots of fun.

Sunday was mainly taken up with the Championship Bout, the final bout until next season!! It was great, very exciting but I worked so I missed some of the excitement. Then the afterparty, stayed for a short period of time then went home. Very busy weekend.
Some things are happening at work which I am trying to just play the waiting game on:
1. There is a potential I may be asked to move to take a new position in another state.
2. I may get the position in Grants and Contracts I have been working towards.
Either way regardless of what happens I find myself in a transition and change which I think is going to be interesting whichever option presents itself!
Roller Derby league try-outs are in less than two weeks, hopefully I will be able to make it onto the league and maybe a team. I am very excited and having lots of fun with all the derby stuff.
This weekend is my birthday!! Yay!!. I will working the Virgin Festival for Trixie Little and it should be lots of fun!! The Bean and my mom are doing "something" that day but not quite sure exactly what that "something" could be. I shall wait and see.
The bean has been awfully tired lately and not feeling all that great so hence I am a bit anxious and have decided that she needs to go to the Drs for a work-up. I am sure it is not anything but still I am feeling anxious about it, I am successfully not tweaking and handling this all very well. I will feel better when all the results return back to me within the normal limits.
Well that's it everything I have been doing, some of the things that I am thinking about and such.
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