dream /drim/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[dream] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, dreamed or dreamt, dream‧ing, adjective
Ânoun 1. a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.
2. the sleeping state in which this occurs.
3. an object seen in a dream.
4. an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake.
5. a vision voluntarily indulged in while awake; daydream; reverie.
6. an aspiration; goal; aim: A trip to Europe is his dream.
7. a wild or vain fancy.
8. something of an unreal beauty, charm, or excellence.
Âverb (used without object) 9. to have a dream.
10. to indulge in daydreams or reveries: He dreamed about vacation plans when he should have been working.
11. to think or conceive of something in a very remote way (usually fol. by of): I wouldn't dream of asking them.
Âverb (used with object) 12. to see or imagine in sleep or in a vision.
13. to imagine as if in a dream; fancy; suppose.
14. to pass or spend (time) in dreaming (often fol. by away): to dream away the afternoon.
Âadjective 15. most desirable; ideal: a dream vacation.
ÂVerb phrase16. dream up, to form in the imagination; devise: They dreamed up the most impossible plan.
Compliments of Dictionary.com
I love how one word means so many things, from realistic goals to dreams and things of extreme beauty. I often wonder why some people have stopped dreaming, where those dreams went and why their lives are not intermingled with their dreams. Even through the worst moments of my life I am always finding new dreams and rediscovering old dreams, hopes, aims, figments of my imaginations, sparks that keep me going and lusting after life. I love living, experiencing, dreaming.... How mundane, bleak and dark life would be without these little things called dreams that keep me skipping, dancing, skating, falling, and pushing through the seconds of our lifetime.
Last night as the warm air was blown out by dark stormy skies, I felt a little catch in my breathing that excitement building as the storm unleashed itself, I love that, this afternoon I am daydreaming about that moment. That little catch the racing heart the urge to go running and playing in the storm..
I love being the dreamer....
"Dreaming. -- Either one does not dream at all, or one dreams in an interesting manner. One must learn to be awake in the same fashion: -- either not at all, or in an interesting manner"
Friedrich Nietzsche
Friday, September 29, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Here is what has been going
Sat. was my birthday. I spent the morning and part of the afternoon playing at being a bush at Virgin Fest. Then hanging at the Fest for a bit before going home and having a meal prepared by my mother and beautiful bean!! I then proceeded to open my pressies and amongst many things I received a pair of orange booty shorts that my bean had decided I needed for derby. Tee hee.
I am the bush on the right...

So we decided that Puck needed some more fun in his life and decided to transform him to Pumpkin Puck:
awwww..he loves us.... tee hee

The Sunday off to skate, practice makes perfect. See..

Then on Monday night after derby practice my body decided it was going to be horribly ill. It is now Wednesday and I am starting to feel better but no skating for me tonight. Awwwww, sniffle, sniffle...but I did get a card that made me giggle and smile through my groans yesterday!! Thanks Sunshine, you are the bestest!! Wiggle wiggle
Sat. was my birthday. I spent the morning and part of the afternoon playing at being a bush at Virgin Fest. Then hanging at the Fest for a bit before going home and having a meal prepared by my mother and beautiful bean!! I then proceeded to open my pressies and amongst many things I received a pair of orange booty shorts that my bean had decided I needed for derby. Tee hee.
I am the bush on the right...

So we decided that Puck needed some more fun in his life and decided to transform him to Pumpkin Puck:
awwww..he loves us.... tee hee

The Sunday off to skate, practice makes perfect. See..

Then on Monday night after derby practice my body decided it was going to be horribly ill. It is now Wednesday and I am starting to feel better but no skating for me tonight. Awwwww, sniffle, sniffle...but I did get a card that made me giggle and smile through my groans yesterday!! Thanks Sunshine, you are the bestest!! Wiggle wiggle
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Been busy
Lots of stuff going on lately, having fun and such though. This past weekend we worked at the Hampden Festival passing out flyers for the derby championship bout. It ended up being a great warm day and we encountered many characters, as Hampden has some of the most interesting people in Baltimore City!!

Roller Girls Booth

Coach Ball Breaker selling her wares
Then off to a BBQ at Reets house, she outdid herself this time and we enjoyed great food, company and lots of fun.

Sunday was mainly taken up with the Championship Bout, the final bout until next season!! It was great, very exciting but I worked so I missed some of the excitement. Then the afterparty, stayed for a short period of time then went home. Very busy weekend.
Some things are happening at work which I am trying to just play the waiting game on:
1. There is a potential I may be asked to move to take a new position in another state.
2. I may get the position in Grants and Contracts I have been working towards.
Either way regardless of what happens I find myself in a transition and change which I think is going to be interesting whichever option presents itself!
Roller Derby league try-outs are in less than two weeks, hopefully I will be able to make it onto the league and maybe a team. I am very excited and having lots of fun with all the derby stuff.
This weekend is my birthday!! Yay!!. I will working the Virgin Festival for Trixie Little and it should be lots of fun!! The Bean and my mom are doing "something" that day but not quite sure exactly what that "something" could be. I shall wait and see.
The bean has been awfully tired lately and not feeling all that great so hence I am a bit anxious and have decided that she needs to go to the Drs for a work-up. I am sure it is not anything but still I am feeling anxious about it, I am successfully not tweaking and handling this all very well. I will feel better when all the results return back to me within the normal limits.
Well that's it everything I have been doing, some of the things that I am thinking about and such.

Roller Girls Booth

Coach Ball Breaker selling her wares
Then off to a BBQ at Reets house, she outdid herself this time and we enjoyed great food, company and lots of fun.

Sunday was mainly taken up with the Championship Bout, the final bout until next season!! It was great, very exciting but I worked so I missed some of the excitement. Then the afterparty, stayed for a short period of time then went home. Very busy weekend.
Some things are happening at work which I am trying to just play the waiting game on:
1. There is a potential I may be asked to move to take a new position in another state.
2. I may get the position in Grants and Contracts I have been working towards.
Either way regardless of what happens I find myself in a transition and change which I think is going to be interesting whichever option presents itself!
Roller Derby league try-outs are in less than two weeks, hopefully I will be able to make it onto the league and maybe a team. I am very excited and having lots of fun with all the derby stuff.
This weekend is my birthday!! Yay!!. I will working the Virgin Festival for Trixie Little and it should be lots of fun!! The Bean and my mom are doing "something" that day but not quite sure exactly what that "something" could be. I shall wait and see.
The bean has been awfully tired lately and not feeling all that great so hence I am a bit anxious and have decided that she needs to go to the Drs for a work-up. I am sure it is not anything but still I am feeling anxious about it, I am successfully not tweaking and handling this all very well. I will feel better when all the results return back to me within the normal limits.
Well that's it everything I have been doing, some of the things that I am thinking about and such.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Spinach is a main staple in my diet, I eats lots of it but now I am sad because I am not allowed to because of nasty tightly attached bacteria. Grrrrrrr. What will I eat now?
I know I am making Rice Krispy Treats tonight maybe some yummy marshmallows!! Yay!!
I am finished with work but I still must remain for another 40 minutes. *La Sigh*
It is cool, rainy and grey still....
Interesting things are starting to happen around me, I wonder where these things will take me if they take me anywhere at all. Hmmmm....
I know I am making Rice Krispy Treats tonight maybe some yummy marshmallows!! Yay!!
I am finished with work but I still must remain for another 40 minutes. *La Sigh*
It is cool, rainy and grey still....
Interesting things are starting to happen around me, I wonder where these things will take me if they take me anywhere at all. Hmmmm....
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Tuesday, feeling a bit burnt already, feeling a bit disgusted, and feeling a bit sad. These past few days impact many people in many ways, I just wish the past few days did not feel so slimy and dirty to me. The sentiment and memories exploited and turned ugly, what is wrong with people? This is not a memorial and I for one find it disgusting, distasteful and sleazy.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Seems like fall
It is a couple of weeks to the official start of fall but it is coming, I feel it, smell and am experiencing the beginning of the autumn equinox. This is my favorite time of year, the leaves changing, the crispness in the air, the cool winds, pumpkin pie, colorful fall vegetables.....The change. The change is happening on the outside as well as inside me, I am happy, I feel good and I have a spark. I have good friends, some new friends, and a sense of adventure. I have a come to the realization that in the past two years I have changed. The changes are positive, I feel lighter, better and a bit more grounded. I am thinking that the changes I started have developed into my life being more fulfilled. I think these are good things, that the work is starting to pay off, but in doing so I also realize that I must maintain this to see the full effects. I am very happy to have found some people in my life that I enjoy being around, they do not stress me out, they are helpful, fun to be around and do not suck my energy, thank goodness!! I love the fact that some of the people I have surrounded myself with are completely selfless and that they do not even realize they are selfless, that is the best part. They do what they do without even realizing this, that makes them pretty wonderful in my eyes and when pointed out to them they just laugh and say "Don't get all sappy now". I am sappy though, emotional and caring, that is what makes me keep going. I love, I laugh, I cry when happy and when sad. My life has certainly taken on a new awareness and I like it, I will not compromise it and I will be honest about it even if it is sappy. Lately, I find myself telling the people that I care about how important they are to me, in this phase of my life honesty of my feelings and thoughts are what I feel I need to share.
One thing about working with the patients has really opened up my eyes to is that no matter who you are, where you have been, what you have, how much money you have, it does not matter things happen no matter what you do. I am positive there is a reason that I have learned this over the past few years, I had a brief brush with it myself but nothing prepared me for the affects of living with it in real life pretty much five days a week. I feel this was something that I needed to experience to fully understand and learn. So who and I now: no more no less, a mother, lover, friend, partner, force of nature, fresh meat for a roller derby league, a carbon based life form, comfortable in my own skin, and a human being; I am Christine, and I am happy for that finally. It has been a long, tough, heart wrenching battle at times but it has been so worth it.
One thing about working with the patients has really opened up my eyes to is that no matter who you are, where you have been, what you have, how much money you have, it does not matter things happen no matter what you do. I am positive there is a reason that I have learned this over the past few years, I had a brief brush with it myself but nothing prepared me for the affects of living with it in real life pretty much five days a week. I feel this was something that I needed to experience to fully understand and learn. So who and I now: no more no less, a mother, lover, friend, partner, force of nature, fresh meat for a roller derby league, a carbon based life form, comfortable in my own skin, and a human being; I am Christine, and I am happy for that finally. It has been a long, tough, heart wrenching battle at times but it has been so worth it.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Dog days...
so today is the last day of project dogsitting, whew has it been interesting. The dogs were fine but they like to bark at everything as they are not used to this apartment and hear all kind of new noises, they poo quite a bit and trying to hold an umbrella in the pouring rain, a cup of coffee and two dogs is not a good mix. I had fun though and I actually enjoy taking them out for walks around the neighborhood and running with them a bit. I think they had a good time and the itty bitty one likes to sleep on me which makes for a pissed off Puck. tee hee.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
So it has been a few day, work has been very busy and school has started for the bean, hence that makes me a very busy person. Things are well, I feel good, I am happy and what else can I say....
I feel ....
I dream.....
I am moving....
I have good friends, new and old....
I have a beautiful child......
I have joy.....
I am blissfully in love...
I dream and have so much to look forward to while finding myself in a place of new growth and life.......
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."
HH the Dalai Lama
I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each others dreams, we can be together all the time.
Hobbes (of Calvin and Hobbes)
I feel ....
I dream.....
I am moving....
I have good friends, new and old....
I have a beautiful child......
I have joy.....
I am blissfully in love...
I dream and have so much to look forward to while finding myself in a place of new growth and life.......
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."
HH the Dalai Lama
I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each others dreams, we can be together all the time.
Hobbes (of Calvin and Hobbes)
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