Friday, June 02, 2006

I found this interesting I have read about this before and find it quite entertaining. The whole evolution and ID debate just annoys me. In my opinion it is a waste of time and money to debate this issue in public schools and during school board meetings. I feel if you want your child to have a religious education, you should (1) send them to a private school that teaches the religion you would like (2) homeschool (3) have your child attend religion education classes (4) or teach these ideas at home. I think everyone has a right to their beliefs, I do not think ID should be taught at all in a science class. Just my opinion and I think the site does bring up a valid point that if ID is allowed to be taught at public schools then other alternatives such as Pricipia Discordia,, scientology,, you get the point. Could you imagine how many different things would have to be taught to address the needs and beliefs of everyone? There would be no time to teach the children any actual science they would be so mired down in trying to learn alternative theories to evolution that they would have to just get rid of science all together. Well since we have discontinued many of the art programs, thanks to No Child Left Behind (Thanks so much for that crap) why not science too!!

Off to do some work.....maybe



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