Saturday, March 25, 2006

You can't shake hands with a clenched fist.
Indira Gandhi

It hit me like a clenched fist, made me sick
The realisation that nothing has or will be resolved
One thing will be and all your doubts regarding that
single aspect will leave you feeling better
while I lay in the dirt, underfoot
Stomping on me to get your "truth"
has made me understand that it
is about you, not us
There is no us, that you have clearly
stated that in a few words.
No together, just you
Well screw it, no more
I will provide you the truth and then maybe you
will realise that you have lost.

I am numb, not understanding, hurt, and feeling like a piece of crap because of this.


Taint3d said...

what i like abt ur blog is that u keep on writing no matter what. I have been reading your posts and can relate with a strange sense of compatibility.
*hug* be Strong!

Faerynight said...

I appreciate your comment. I write what I feel, sometimes putting it out there helps me to resolve some issues. I hope once it is out of me and up here, I can read it and somewhat decipher what I am feeling and hopefully work it out. Still working on the strength thing but I am getting better at it!!