Saturday, February 04, 2006


I love a good storm. I was outside listening to the rain and the trees. The trees always talk so loudly during a storm. The electricity in the air is high, the hair on my arms stand on end as the lightning flashes before me.

I started this post a few days ago, now I am not going to complete it just because I do not feel that way right now. It is Monday am and I am at work. You see I love my job but there is a troll here right now. This troll resembles a human being but really she is a troll. She is the most miserable troll I have ever met and she inflicts her troll behavior on everyone in this office. I have a feeling after today that it will be even worse and any resemblance to a human quality had (if she ever had any) will flee in the face of her progression. Save us all from this troll because when she is around everyone feels horrible!!

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