Saturday, December 17, 2005


It is just a feeling, get over it.
Get over it? I suppose that is easy?
Feelings, I suppose those are stupid things that get in the way.
I suppose I should pretend that it does not bother me. Why say anything, I should just deal with and
get over it.
Will not bring it up again, because I have gotten over it.
So there
Take that. I am all over it, and that feeling no longer exists for me.
All over it, all over it, because it just does not matter obviously.

It is Ok because I am so over it. See just like pushing a switch
Ouch, I need a band-aid to put over it because it just does not want me to get over it just yet
That feeler must not have heard and feels broken now. Squished, shattered, smacked possibly maybe not a band-aid but some surgery.
This one might be hard to fix, does not understand how to

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