For twenty years I've sought the Other.
Now, letting go, I fly out of the pit.
What use oneness of mind and body?
These days I only sing la-la-la.
- Keso Shogaku, 15th C
Preparing to move, I feel I must heed the advice given and let go of certain things. As this is the first of 2 moves I will be making in a 12 month period I feel it is time to part company with some old things I have carried with me for years. It is hard though, I find that I have thoughts attached to objects. I am ready though to part with a decent amount of my possessions and to move forward. It is interesting to me that at this time I struggle to retreive my past only to let it go. I suppose that until I can release these memories I shall not acheive true harmony and happiness within myself. I strive to resolve conflict and enjoy balance in my existence.
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