5 AM is much too early to rise and shine. I was not so shiny this morning before work. I am feeling quite a bit tired actually. Where is my sunshine when my tootsies need a good rubbing. Ooohhhh well. After a grueling week, yes even though I had most of last week off, I am quite tired.
Yesterday really wiped me out. After having my shrink stir up all kinds of therapuetic reasons why I should do hypnosis again I relented. Why???? Maybe because even though there are many horrible and awful memories tucked neatly into boxes in my brain, I have a feeling that there are also many wonderful memories as well. Well that settled we start again next week to reach into the deep dark unknown brain matter nestled safetly in my noggin. Should be ummmmm, fun!!!! Maybe???? or Maybe Not!
So after the day of dealing with cancer stuff, I decided to bid farewell to Dr. Van Echo. The Pfizer pimp, I mean rep., treated us to a wonderful seafood feast in a salute to Dr. Van Echo, who has been treating patients since 1971. Very sad because Dr. Van Echo, or little Davey as he is more commonly known, has always been a source of light and laughter around a pretty depressing enviroment. Oh well, he is getting an office with a better view, fewer hours and more pay. Not too bad of a deal.
Upon arriving at my abode I notice no lights. Uuuurrrrgggggggg. No air conditioning, no computer, no TV, get the point. It was hot!!!! Really hot. Really really hot. Did I say hot? LOL. Very hot, ooopsss said that already. What I want to know is how did people live before electricity? I do not think I could survive, I am so spoiled and did not really appreciate this until sweating my a** off while trying to fall asleep.
Well those are some of things I have been doing, not all but some. tee hee, this is fun!
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